I like to sit and watch fish swim around, going about there business. Watching fish is peaceful to me, i can sit and just get lost in there movements without a thought or care in the world, just watching the fish play. I enjoy the way they dart around, quick and agile, zipping here and there. One second here, the next there. I love big fish and small fish alike. I find nothing more beautiful then a big school of fish, swimming together in unison.
A flick of the tail can provide so much power to rip it through the water but also do it so elegantly too. Colors and Shapes are another thing i like about fish. You can get them in so many shapes and sizes. All different patterns on a fish, some fat, some skinny. They can glow, they can look cute and can look menacing.
As for my fish tank, i want to slowly put my fish tank together. I want to make a little theme in the tank, choosing a color to style it with for the stones and buildings etc. I want to make it my own little world. There are so many options out there with fish ornaments to make it look interesting. I can play around with the fish tank backgrounds too. My first theme i want to play with is a castle theme. A castle in the French riviera should keep me occupied. Lots of green grass, blue sky and old style stone castles. Almost a picture perfect little world for myself. Oui Oui.
Also, being born March 6, i am a Pisces, therefore i am a fish. ;-)
French Riviera Castle Example
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