Saturday, June 13, 2009


So the big news this week is the birth of my niece Charlotte Elise Campion born the 12th day of June 2009. She weighed 7 lb 8 oz i believe. She wasn't as heavy as they thought. I got to hold her today, the first time i've ever held a baby. Something i can now tick off the list of things to do before i die. :-)

For a present to her i got her a Pink Teddy Bear. Pictures of me and bub will come soon enough so don't even bother asking where the photos are LOL!!

As for my sister, i am very happy for her and wish her the best of luck in raising a wonderful healthy child.

1 comment:

  1. AWWWWW... and I am sooooo gonna ask...wheres the pics!!!???? come on.. stop holding out!!
